
Showing posts from April, 2006

Leda playing with a balloon...

Over at the Yates' Video Blog ...

12 Months!

ONE WHOLE YEAR OLD TODAY!!! Happy Birthday to Leda! A year ago today, Leda entered our lives. She became real - a tangible after 9 months of wondering what was going on in there! I was scheduled to be induced a year ago today. We were trying to force Leda out so that Brock could be here for her birth, as One Lap was to start at the end of the week. We'd been trying to get into the hospital since the previous Wednesday, but weren't having much luck! They were too busy and elective inducements were low on the priority list! We heard stories of a woman who went in to be induced and was taken off the drugs and sent home, they were so busy! So, Sunday, the 24th, we went to bed wondering if when we called the hospital the next morning at 7am if they would tell us they couldn't take us then, that we would have to reschedule for Tuesday. I wasn't nervous...not like I thought I would be. I was pretty calm, as calm as a 6 day over due pregnant woman would be when realizing her hu

The Weather Gods Won...but it was a Great Time anyway!

When I got pregnant and we figured out we were having the baby so close to One Lap (Brock's once a year, gotta be gone for two weeks, adventure), we were nervous. Then, I realized, we were having a Spring, wouldn't it be nice to have a baby in the spring? All the flowers and trees blooming, it will be generally warm. A birthday party outside! What I failed to realize was we were having a baby born in the springtime. Springtime in the northeast can be unpredictable - it can rain, it can be cold, it may snow, it can be warm, it can be sunny, it can be all of these things ON ONE DAY! Now, not that it was that bad on Saturday (just really heavy down pours...yeah, heavy enough that last week, we were headed for drought...this week, ain't so worried about drought no more!) But when you are expecting 40 + people, and 10 or more of those people are kids, and you have a small house, you can bet that it was looking pretty darned bad! It turned out to be pretty darned okay!

This space is DYING for an update...

And boy, does it need it! Let's see, in the past two and a half weeks we have entertained the Lillys by taking them to Philly for a day, drove to Wash DC area and visited with friends Dave and Judy in the morning, met up with the rest of the Yates family and headed over to the Wendels for Easter dinner, spent a day touring the Capital Building and the Supreme Court, ate a little Asian Fusion for dinner, toured the Air and Space Museum, saw Monets, Manets, Renoirs, etc at the National Art Gallery, saw the Hope Diamond at the Natural History museum, drove home, cleaned house, had Lillys and Sweats for dinner, then made sure the Lillys made it to the airport on time, entertained the Sweats for dinner and then had 40+ of our closest friends and family over for a party to celebrate Leda's First Birthday...Whew! We had a lot of fun along the way. We took lots of pictures (of some of the stuff (Wash DC, not so much of some other stuff (Leda's birthday party)! We expect lots of pic

We are back and busy!

We are back from our three days in DC with the Yates clan and are busy getting ready for Leda's First Birthday Party! We are not quite prepared for the onslaught of family that this house will see starting tomorrow night, so probably won't post much in the next couple of days. Besides, most of the people who read this blog are on their way here! ;-) hehehe All of you others, will have to wait until I have a free moment that I am not using to sleep or use the restroom! ;-) Cheers!


On a sunny spring day... click to go see more!


It's been crazy around here for a few days or so. I spent most of the weekend cleaning house to prepare for the invasion...the invasion of Lillys'! Yes, the Lillys have arrived for a few days before they head off to places south (Williamsburg and DC) We will join them in DC on Sunday for a few days. Get to visit with the VA Wendels on Sunday (talk about invasion...most all the Yates will invade the Wendels! And, they invited it! Crazy! ;-) hehehe Anyway, it's been a busy week or so. Leda is getting used to her cousins and Aunt and Uncle. She's pretty tired. But she got to go to see the Liberty Bell today with her Daddy and Aunt and Uncle and cousins (Mama had to work!) Hopefully she'll have as much fun down in the Nation's capital! And, next weekend, more family and friends to help us celebrate Leda's first birthday! Wow! What a busy couple of weeks. Hopefully I can up date this blog soon! It's starting to get a little stale! ;-)

Oh, Oh, Oh....I must see the final XMen...

Just saw a preview for the final XMen movie (well, you never know, it may not be the last one at that!) Not that I was a huge XMen fan (in fact, not sure I ever saw the first one all the way through and am pretty sure I haven't seen any other XMen movie) but I am a HUGE Hugh Jackman fan...I don't care if he's got more hair on his face than usual...he's hot! ;-)

The first need for antibiotics...

Well, we have (are) experienced our first ear infection! It's not bad, but bad enough that Leda's had a fever for two days, has been miserable (on and off...I have to say, she deals with being sick much better than her daddy or I ever do!) and, on top of that, she's got two more molars coming in. The molars are the reason why we didn't do anything right away...the fever appeared on tue evening, but we knew that the teeth were coming in. So, we just assumed that the fever was because of the teeth. When she woke up this morning with a temp over 102, Brock called the doc and took her in for a little looksee. Turns out, just a little infection. So, we have some amoxicillin for the infection. She's a little lethargic, a little tired. Hopefully the temp will be down soon and she'll be back to her usual happy little self tomorrow!