Green Veggies...

Well, on Wed or Thur of last week, we started Green veggies with Leda. We decided to start with Greenbeans....I love green beans...I pretty much like all green veggies (except broccoli - Bluck!) was hoping the kid would love greenbeans too. No dice...we got it spit out at us on the first night, and then she wouldn't open her mouth unless a bottle or a spoonful of rice cereal was coming toward it. The second night, we got gagging! So, no greenbeans for this kid...well, at least not for now...we aren't sure, but it could also be that she was feeling poorly.

Then, this weekend, we didn't eat anything but our bottle...we really were not feeling well - we think it might have been Fifth's disease, since there was a rash and temperature, and Dr. John pretty much concured. Now, we just have a stuffy nose and a cough. No temperature anymore, than goodness!

So, last night we tried Peas...and much to my delight, this child will not take after my mother when it comes to peas! She seemed to like them! First veggie that we didn't get a strange face with the first bite! Wow! Now, I did warn her, no matter how much she likes peas, that her Grandmom will NEVER EVER make them for her, as they seem to be mean nasty things to Grandmom (don't have a clue what peas ever did to her, but she hates 'em!)

So, we will continue with the Peas for a few days and then try the greenbeans again. Hoping it was just a case of not feeling well, and not that the greenbeans have become for Leda what Peas are for her Grandmom!


Anonymous said…
First of all, Grandma does not "hate" peas, she just chooses not to eat them. She will make them for Leda, just like to does for her other Granddaughters -- because their Mothers think they should eat them.

What Grandma does "hate" is brussel sprouts, so don't eat them, Leda, no matter what Mommy says!!
Cyndy said…
Yummmmm...Brussel Sprouts are yummy! ;-)

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