102.8 - not exactly the right radio station*

Actually, not a radio station at all...instead, the degree at which Leda's fever got to last night! Poor baby!

Wednesday night, Leda and I didn't sleep very well. She woke up (sorta - she's not quite totally awake when she does this) crying. I actually, at one point, needed to rub her back to calm her down enough to go back to sleep. And then, yesterday morning, she didn't wake up happy - this child ALWAYS has a smile for us in the morning.

We had taken her temperature (for the VERY first time EVER) on Wed night and it was normal (well, what we figured was normal - 98.9). She had rosy cheeks, which is what prompted the temperature taking, but we figured it must just be teething...which is wierd to us, since the first two teeth came in without fanfare. Anyway, all day Thursday, Leda was all out of sorts - crying, just wanting to be held, not really playing much and DROOLING like it was going out of style! Thus, coughing! When I got home from work, she was happy to see me, but then ended up fussy and cranky for the rest of the evening.

So, we took her temp around bedtime. Got 102.8 Degrees. Got a tired mommy freaking out (well, a little) and we called the dr. When the dr. didn't call back right away (well, we gave him about 45 minutes), we called the dr. next door (our neighbor is an ER Doc). While on the phone with him, our dr. called back - now, how many people can say they had TWO drs on the phone at the same time??

Anyway, the moral of the story is, we gave her a little tylenol, put her to bed, woke her up an hour later, took her temp - it had come down a degree - gave her more of her bedtime bottle, put her to bed, woke her up two hours later, took temp - came down another degree plus, gave her Motrin and put her back to bed. She fussed her way through the night and woke up a little late this morning but feeling MUCH better.

So, we have had our first bout with "illness." It was either a small virus of some sort or just part of the teething process. Whatever it was, we have a much happier baby today, and a very tired Mommy and Daddy! But, one good thing that has come out of this episode...both Mommy and Daddy can take the temperature of Baby without freaking out! ;-)

*102.9 is Mommy's favorite radio station - now, wouldn't that have been poetic?? ;-)


Mark Ballard said…
Reading your post reminded me of my sons first illness but I'm afraid it was more serious. He had a fever of 104.5 and while I was on the phone with the Doctor he had a seizure. Yea the whole foaming at the mouth thing. We rushed him to the Emergency Room where they feared spinal meningitis and promptly performed a spinal tap.

At this point I'm completely flipping out. My 1 1/2 year old son is strapped to a table and screaming bloody murder with a needle in his back. He had that look in his eyes that said "Daddy why are you letting these mean people do this to me."

I had not smoked a cigarette in over a year but ran as quickly as I could to the machine down the hall and started again that night. The year was 1983 and they still had cigarette machines in hospitals and places to smoke. I didd heavily.

To make a long story short, it wound up that he had a serious ear infection and that was the cause of his high temps leading up to that nightmarish night. They put tubes in his ears that eventually grew out and the nightmares went away. Today at age 23 he has no memory of that night. I should be so lucky.

Glad to hear your child is well. Watch out for the ears.
Cyndy said…
Mark...how scary! I dread the day Leda gets "really" sick (not just a fever, but runny noses, and other stuff!). I hope she never has to experience what your son did. Just heard another story that includes a spinal tap...geez, how horrible. Glad it turned out okay though. Will keep an EYE on those EARS! ;-) Thanks for the heads up!

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