Easter Monday

What a weekend. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Saturday we attended our annual Easter Egg hunt and dinner at the Shier's...a large group of friends and kids and good food and just an awesome time. The kids just enjoyed the heck out of the hunt!

Easter Egg Hunters


Later in the evening, as we sat around the table chatting, Paige came in to tell me that Leda kissed Nathan! Oh really, I said. So I informed Nathan's dad Jim of this little development and proceeded to ask Leda "Where did you kiss Nathan," wondering if it was on the lips or on the cheek. Leda proceeded to walk me out to the patio and pointed to a chair on which Nathan was sitting, "Right there, Mommy." Right, the physical location of the kiss, not the body part that was kissed!

Turns out she had kissed Nathan on the lips. Nathan was looking pretty proud of himself. It proceeded to happen three more times, each time either Paige or Leda let me know about it! Then Leda came up to me and told me she had a secret to tell me..."Mommy, I want Nathan to be my boyfriend, don't tell any other adults!" To which the adults around me and I chuckled pretty loudly about! Very, very cute.

I'm locking her up! ;-)

Sunday was another beautiful day. Spent the entire day outside, after we found out what the Easter Bunny brought (lots of hard-boiled eggs, candy and some Littlest Pet Shop, Polly Pockets and Alice in Wonderland DVD for Leda!)

Easter 2010

We cleaned off the patio, started to prepare the garden, got the fountains installed and running. I celebrated by sitting outside reading a book.

I'm not sure if I overdosed on Vitamin D, but around 4 or so I started getting cold and hot and feeling very achy all over. Ended up with a low grade fever which put me in bed after dinner. Not sure what that was all about because I feel good this morning (other than being tired!)

So, it's back to school for Leda and back to work for me. We are going to be going to the beach next weekend, so this week is going to be VERY long! ;-)


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