Rainy Day

Well, this might be the format/picture/colors you get to deal with for the next few months - this is looking like it's gonna be the 'Spring' look to this blog! I've still a bit of work to do on it, like add my links back in, but it's pretty much what it's gonna look like for a little while! Hope you like it! (being that my Mom and my sister and my sister-in-law are are 3 of my 4 or 5 regular readers and my Mom has already piped in her vote, I've got about 20-25% approval already!)

It's a bit of a rainy day here. I had some posts in mind, at least one I thought I would get done tonight, but now, with the rain, my brain is again on post strike. Hoping that with a nice sunny day, I might be able to bring this site back to life! In the meantime, this is what you get...a preview of our upcoming weekend...

Leda and I are going to have a girls weekend since Daddy's off to play with cars this weekend. This was Leda's request of me this morning for us to do this weekend: "Mommy, I want to buy the Pinocchio movie and watch it with you." It's a good thing she has a Target Gift Card to use...so we will be purchasing the movie on Saturday.

So far this is our list of things we will be doing this weekend:

1. Lunch date at the Cheesecake Factory (got a gift certificate I've got to use)
2. Use up Mommy's B&N gift certificates (we LOVE book shopping!)
3. Use Leda's Target gift certificate (on previously mentioned Pinocchio movie. And, hello? Target!)
4. Watch previously mentioned movie with Leda and a large bowl of popcorn! With butter!
5. Buy herb and pepper seeds and plant for garden.

We've got a busy weekend so far. Wondering when the sleeping will occur! ;-)


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