Random Thoughts

I got to go shopping by myself tonight. I therefore plugged the earphones in to the iPod and rocked my way around KMart! Hope the guys watching the security cameras had a blast, I did.

While I was rockin' it out, and on the way home, and while wrapping my niece's birthday present, I had various random thoughts. Some struck me as funny. Some not so much. But hey, I needed a post, so this is what ya get!

I'm probably too old to dig Nickelback. But I do! More importantly, I'm pretty sure that when my husband reads this, he's going to think, "What the heck is a Nickelback." Anyway, I do. Dig them. And I dig my old man, too! (love ya honey!)

I think the fact I use the word "dig" to describe how much I really like something PROVES I am too old to dig Nickelback! Oh well!

You can inherit genes that make your hair the color it is, your eyes the color they are, and possibly various diseases...so why can't you inherit the gene for wrapping presents well? I can't for the life of me wrap a gift as well as my mother can. Geez!

What in the heck does someone need - NEED - an assault rifle? Someone being not a policeman, soldier, SWAT team member? Really. I'd like to know.

Why do the weirdest people seem to all be at the KMart on a Wednesday night?

Did you know that Top Chef starts tonight?? Yipppeeee!

When the heck should I start my Christmas shopping? Oh, I know, WHEN FAMILY MEMBERS START GIVING ME LISTS!

So much for what is in my head tonight! I've got a post or two that will actually keep you interest (I hope) brewing. Hopefully I can get them written in the next day or two and hopefully I will be able to come up with more! There's more than half a month left! Ugh!


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