Brock and I lucked out completely! We have the happiest baby we could hope for! Leda is truly a joy and seems to be a very happy child. She babbles a lot these days, and ALWAYS has a smile for us - seemingly ever moment of the day! Of course, she has her moments...usually when she's tired or when she's hungry and we haven't produced the bottle fast enough (yes, I am sure if Leda had a blog, we'd be hearing about how we make her wait to eat ALL THE TIME!), but these moments only last for a very short time. We usually have a smiling, cooing and giggling child on our hands. I think the thing I dreaded the most about having a child is that we'd have a baby that cried all the time. I am happy to announce that my fears are unfounded! At least, until someone at the hospital figures out that they gave us the wrong child!! This past weekend, Leda had her first (of MANY!) trip to the book store. We headed out to Barnes and Noble on Saturday morning to purchase the new Harry P...
Last night while I was on the phone with my boss, Leda unscrewed the knob from the light swtich on the table lamp. She handed it to me and announced, "I broke it, Mommy" so proudly, I almost cried! As I was trying to put it back on the light, while still speaking with my boss and attempting to keep the child from getting in my way and NOT blinding myself by the light (oh, good Bruce song!) since she had unscrewed it WHILE THE LIGHT WAS ON, I said to her (jokingly*), "Ima gonna beat your butt" while laughing (pretty much because my boss on the other line was laughing at me). Leda stopped and looked at me and said, in all seriousness, "No butt beat, Mommy." I laughed and gave her a big hug and told her "Not today!" ;-) *NOTE: I would never beat my child - just wanted to announce that in case anyone would think to report me to child services! If you want something to report us for, come over to our house around 5 in the evening when our child is beg...
Do you know how often I think of cancer now? Every damn day. Almost all day long, in some cases. I try to keep thinking about other things, but it all comes back to damn cancer. So if I haven't responded lately, it's mostly because I just don't want to talk about f'ing cancer. Know I am okay...I'm dealing with treatments right now and hoping that they start working (or are working) and working with my Dr and team to stay as healthy as one can be with cancer. There is so much that is out of my hands right now. It sucks. I am attempting to stay as hopeful as I can, but there are times when I just want to not have cancer and be angry and upset about the fact that that will never happen now. So, bare with me....and if I don't answer, don't think it isn't because I don't appreciate the contact - I really do and I love my people. I just don't want to talk about cancer or how I feel right now! ;)