Current Events

I've bloggers block! That's what it has to be. Or, it could just be that I am spending too much time on Facebook and coming up with a one sentence status! I also think current events (stock market going south, politics, etc) are just draining my brain! So, small spurts of thoughts here, sorry!

I long ago made the decision never to discuss politics here. Too many friends and family who come here and I NEVER mix politics with friends and/or family! But let me just say this one thing: CAN WE VOTE ALREADY??? My goodness, this has gone on for far too long! That's it!

So Phillies Phever is in full force (or, should I say, phull phorce? - it's a Philly thing!) and we are all hoping that the Dodgers go down in flames! Wouldn't it be awesome to make it into the World Series again! It might take our minds off the Eagles and the fact that it looks like Reggie Brown and Westbrooke are gonna be out at least this week, maybe more!

I find myself doing and saying things that make me look behind me for my mother, because it sounds like something she would have said! Leda saw the commercial for the Sleeping Beauty DVD and immediately indicated that she didn't have that movie and that her life just wouldn't be the same if she didn't get it almost immediately. My answer to her, "well, I guess you will just have to ask Santa Claus to bring it to you for Christmas." Oh yes, I pulled the Santa card! Of course, Brock took Leda to Costco today and what did they see? The DVD. What did Daddy do? Bought the darn thing! So much for solidarity! ;-)

So Leda spent the afternoon today watching Sleeping Beauty. Twice! And she gets very excited when the Prince slays the Evil Witch. There's much cheering and excitement! Well, at least it doesn't scare her to death! I guess we cured her of being scared of scary things in these animated movies with The Last Unicorn...she used to be terrified of the scene when the Red Bull chases the Unicorn, before Schmendrick turns her into Lady Amalthea. But she watched that movie A BILLION times and I guess that helped to get her over the fear. At least, that's what I hope and it's not because she really finds some joy at the demise of Evil Witches! (Then again, not necessarily a bad thing!)

Indian Summer has arrived. And just in time! We are off to the Shore for the weekend. We will be closing up the shore house for the Durhams and spending a nice weekend taking walks on the beach! We are really looking forward to it! And the weekend promises to be absolutely beautiful! And, it just so happens, the ocean water is actually just a tad warmer now than it was in early July! How freakin' weird is that??

Well, that might be it until we get home. Look for pictures next week! And maybe even a good post or two! ;-)


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