The Fair - Parts II and III: The I Love a Parade Edition

I know that Memorial Day weekend, which is next weekend, ushers in the beginning of Summer officially, but around these parts, I believe the Dogwood Festival and Parade is the unofficial beginning of Summer!

Thursday night we headed back to the fair to join the Flogaus family for a little fair food dinner (yeah, two nights in a row) and some rides and games. Leda loves hanging out with Danny! The two of them spent some time swinging in the swings and climbing on the playground...the free rides at the fairgrounds!

After a little dinner and a little music from the kids from the Philadelphia School of Rock - they were pretty good - we headed off to the Ferris Wheel, where I held all the stuff and everyone else went on the ride! That's right, two nights in a row and I didn't have to get on the Ferris Wheel once! Woooo Hoooo!

Yes, that would be my kid practically hanging out the cart - click on the picture and view large to see the scene that right after I took this picture made me turn away and hope for the best!

Dogwood 2008

There was more rides ridden and fair games played. Danny really wanted a "light saber" from one game so he played to get it and won! When Leda played the game and won, we asked her what stuffed animal she wanted and she pointed to the "light saber" and said, "I want that" and couldn't be persuaded to get something more 'girl' appropriate. That's my girl, even though I wasn't too happy about the implement of destruction that she picked!

Dogwood 2008

Dogwood 2008

We left the fair on Thursday night and Leda exclaimed all the way home, "I miss Danny." Good thing we'll see him on Sunday (well, today!)

Yesterday was the end of the Dogwood Festival and that means PARADE! The Dogwood Festival Parade is the last day of the festival. Last year we watched it from down town, just three stories down from my old vantage point of my old apartment...I had the best seats in the house when I lived downtown for all the parades! This year, I wanted to watch from the parade route near the park where the fair was held, near the receiving stand. We ended up in the last block before the end of the parade, but still had great seats! We got to see everything, and not ALL the floats had candy left when they got to us, so less candy for the kid! Wooo hooo!

Eating a pretzel and waiting for the parade!

We had a great time and the parade was awesome! It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, with a chilly breeze every so often, but definitely comfortable. Leda loved it, probably more for the candy than anything else, but had a great time nonetheless!

Can't wait for next year! Click here to view pictures of the parade!

Today consist of planting and then going over to the Flogaus's for a little afternoon of play and then this evening, who knows. Other than the rain that is expected later today, it should be a pretty good day.


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