Garden Party

Yesterday Leda and I joined Aunt Jennifer and Paige and Aunt Karen and Sydney for a girls day out adventure!

After gathering over at the Durhams, we all hopped into Uncle John's big SUV (he was off at a race with other boys for the weekend, so we borrowed the car!) and we headed off for Longwood Gardens.

I haven't been to Longwood Gardens in many years...probably 6 or 7 years ago Brock and I headed over one night during the Christmas light show and I think we even went into the Conservatory to see how they were decorated for the season, but yesterday was the first time I had been to the gardens during the day for AGES! I think I might have been a teenager still!

Other than a little spit of rain that was clearing out and a little chilly wind, it was a nice day! The sun came out a few times. We headed over to the Conservatory to check out the new Indoor Children's Garden.

We were warned ahead of time (thank goodness) that it would be suggested that we bring a change of clothes and rubber boots. Because, there's lots of water features in the Children's Garden! And the girls LOVED playing with the water! Leda was soaking wet in 10 seconds flat! The girls ran around and checked out everything, every last bit of water was touched! And you will have to believe me on this because I FORGOT TO TAKE MY CAMERA. Yes, I'm still kicking myself for that. Hopefully Aunt Jennifer got some good shots that she'll send along to me soon and I'll post them later.

After a good romp through the garden, we got the girls changed into dry clothes and we roamed the Conservatory a little bit before the girls all announced they were hungry, so off to the Terrace Cafe we went and we had ourselves a little lunch. And after lunch, we took a walk in the gardens. The topiary garden was gated off, so we ended up walking down to the bell tower and around back to the entrance and then home we came.

It was a lovely day. I am looking forward to taking Leda back sometime this summer, when the fountains are running and the flowers and trees are in bloom. It's been so long since I explored the gardens and I really got a taste of the past by being there on Sunday. I am looking forward to going back.

It is a really awesome place to go if you got a few hours or so and you are in the Philly area. It's well worth the price to enter and they have all kinds of events year round. I highly suggest it!


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