Pictures of Leda

It's been awhile since I posted some pictures of Leda! Bad Mommy!

This weekend, Leda and I went to Target and bought her a bean bag - a PURPLE bean bag! I decided it was time that we move the little TV she's been watching (it has a DVD player so she gets to watch her movies over and over and over again, but Daddy and I get to watch grown-up stuff at the same time! Yeah!) off the dining room table. So I created a little entertainment nook for Leda in the corner of the dining room....

Leda's Entertainment Corner

She loves it!

She Loves it!

It's a hit. And, we get to have our dining room table back! Wooo Hooo!

I took this picture about two weeks ago...we were having tacos for dinner and Leda got a handful of black olives to eat with her dinner. She found that it was fun to stick them on her fingers! (What kid doesn't?) I took this picture for her cousin Sarah, who shares with Leda the love of black olives!

Watch out Sarah, you'll have to start sharing those black olives!


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