Holidays are Over and Leda is NOT Happy About it

Since I was sick last weekend, and that was the weekend we had planned to take down the holiday decorations, the tree, etc., it didn't really get done until Wednesday this past week, when I was feeling better.

We dragged the boxes down out of the attic and started by putting away the Christmas Village stuff - Leda was okay with that, apparently not too worried that we were packing up the village. In fact, since it was bath night, she was much more concerned about when she was allowed to get in the bath tub, so apparently her head just wasn't in it.

After she went to bed, Brock and I removed all the ornaments and lights from the tree. Brock would take the tree outside the next day. I put away all the Christmas decorations, the stockings, etc. The next morning, Leda got very upset when she saw no ornaments on her tree. Especially the ornament she made for us at daycare, which I decided I needed to hang in the dining room all year round. She promptly, with pouty lip, told us that it didn't belong where I put it, it belonged on the tree, with all the rest of the decorations. It was a scene.

I had purchased last year a small wooden manger scene that Leda could play with. We set it up in the big window and Leda spent time every day moving the characters around (all the animals and the wise men and Mary and Joseph and the good shepard and even little baby Jesus). Well, that got put away also on Wednesday night while Leda slept. She's been asking where baby Jesus is and why can't she have him back. Again, another scene.

Yesterday at lunch, I decided it was time to take down all the Christmas cards that we had received from our friends and family and put them away. Leda came home from daycare and noticed the wall with NO Christmas cards and started to cry and ordered me to put them back.

Each time she realizes that all the Christmas stuff has been put away, she gets very upset, starts to cry and tells me, "But, I want to do it again." And every time, we tell her, "We will, next Christmas, in 11 months." The kid, she don't get time yet. She will look at us and say, "Tomorrow?" Ugh!

So, to calm her down last night when she was once again, very upset that Christmas was over and we had put away all the Santa Clauses, I told her that the next holiday is Valentine's Day and that she and I would go shopping today and get some Valentine's Day decorations, wouldn't that be fun? She agreed, then suggested that we put Christmas decorations up too!

So, in the attempt to placate my child and try and keep her busy thinking of other stuff until it's December again, I am going to buy decorations and put them up for every holiday I can think of from here to December. This should get pretty darn interesting! I just hope that she will not spend every day until next December pointing out each and every place a Santa Claus should be or where the Tree should be (she made Brock take her out to the top of the driveway to say good-bye to the Tree yesterday - one last time before it goes off to the recycling place!) or baby Jesus, can I just play with baby Jesus one more time?

When I was looking forward to my child being all into Christmas, I didn't imagine that she'd be so into it that she'd never ever want it to end. Ever! ;-)


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