Christmas Shows

Leda is now old enough to watch and get the old Christmas shows that are on TV this time of year. She doesn't quite understand the commercials - that'll be another year or so!

So last night I let her stay up late with me (late - she got to stay up until 9, instead of going to bed at 8!) to watch Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer. She liked it. It has been awhile since I had actually watched the show. I loved it.

I told her tonight she could stay up and watch Santa Claus is Coming to Town with me, but she decided to be bad for me, with Daddy gone for a few days, she's working on how far she can push Mommy. Well, she pushed me far enough that I am sitting here watching it by myself! Oh well.

We'll probably stay up on Friday night and watch Frosty. I have a feeling we might be in trouble come January. The kid, she'll probably want more Christmas! I don't think she's going to understand "waiting until next year!"


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