Thank Goodness it's Friday! Wooo hoooo!

What a week. It was a crazy work week. Lots of things to do and just not enough time to do them in. Oh, and of course it all needed to get done now! Gotta love those kinds of weeks - NOT!

I was looking forward to cleaning our living room from floor to new ceiling this weekend, but our new ceiling is not quite done yet.

Oh, did I fail to mention? Yes, we have had workers in the house all week putting a new ceiling on our great room. It's apparently a good thing we are having them do this, since the insulation that was up there is about 40 years old and had started to breakdown. The idea was to put insulation up there and electrical boxes for once we decide to agree on the type of lights we want to put up. All that is left to put up is the drywall and paint, which apparently will have the job done on Monday or Tuesday. At least the guys are doing a good job!

John (Durham) had graciously come over on last Sunday to help move all the stuff out of the living room so that this job could be done, so we are pretty much living in the upper part of the house (kitchen, dining room and bedrooms). It's been pretty easy - one of the great things about it, Leda has barely watched any TV.

So, I guess I will have to wait until next week when the guys are done to clean the living room in a way it hasn't been cleaned since we had moved in! Instead, if the weather stays nice, I'll winterize the gardens outside. Maybe even try to organize my office and Leda's bedroom closets (yeah, like that will happen before the next decade!)

In any case, it will be a weekend and we love those around these here parts! If I am lucky, I might even get to sleep in one or both days! (which doesn't mean the same thing as when I was a kid - means I get to sleep until 8am - whippty doo!)

And, of course, I'll be blogging about anything I do do this weekend (except doodoo, I don't think ya'll wanna hear about that!)


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