Weekend Recap

Well, we had a nice weekend! Even though it was SO darn hot here! Actually, it was more the humidity than the heat, oh, forget it, it was freakin' hot!

Anyway, we went to Connecticut to spend a Saturday evening with Brock's college buddies. One of his friends is turning 50 in a few weeks and his family threw him a party.

It was an adult-only party - kids were going to be staying at the hotel with a few baby-sitters. This was unnerving to me on a few levels - first, an adult-only party? Hello, the last time I went to an adult-only party was like forever ago! How do you behave at an adult-only party? Does this mean I have to have intelligent conversations without yelling, "Leda, No!" or "Leda, don't touch that." every other sentence? I am not sure I know how to do that!

Second, you want me to leave my child at a strange hotel with strange people?? Are you kidding me? I freaked out about this for about three or four days before hand. That was until I found out that all the kids would be together (it's nice to know that Leda would be spending time with our friends kids - 9 and 11 years old - and that they could report to me anything bad!) Yep, I'm not all that trusting when it comes to my precious child.

It turned out I had nothing to worry about, on either front. We arrived in Stamford at the hotel around 1:30 or so in the afternoon (after a hellish ride on the 95 through the Bronx - it amazes me that people get ANYWHERE in a decent amount of time in the NYC area!) We had a little lunch in the hotel restaurant - we stayed in the Westin - I expected we would be paying a pretty penny for the night's stay at the Westin, but it appears that the Westin was under renovation, so the room rates were really cheap! It was nice.

Around 4 we headed down to the hotel bar and met up with all our friends - most of whom we hadn't seen since having become parents! It was nice to see everyone, even though I spent a good portion of the time trying to reassure Leda that Mommy and Daddy weren't leaving just yet (I didn't lie to her, I told her we weren't going any where YET!)

See, our child is WAY too smart. Marie (the 11 year old) and Claire (the 9 year old) were introducing themselves to Leda and talking about how they were going to have so much fun together that evening and Leda looked at me and started to cry, "Mommy too, right, Mommy and Daddy, too." She realized that we were going to be going out and she wasn't coming with us. By the time the babysitters arrived (all three of them were VERY nice ladies), the child was almost inconsolable. I ended up taking her and the two girls up to our room to start Finding Nemo on the TV to calm her down a little. The babysitters came up shortly with Brock and we were off. I stood outside the room and listened to my child scream for about 2 or 3 minutes before I realized if I didn't walk away, I wasn't going to the party.

We all headed over to Tom's parents (Tom was the birthday boy). It was a very humid day but we ended up hanging out in the backyard having cocktails and chatting with everyone. We got to see John and Eileen (John was Brock's Best Man at our wedding) and Kate and Evan and Justin and Deena and Ned and Kathy and Tom and Marion and Amy. And several others I got to meet for the first time (friends of Brock's when he was in College). And Peter and Sono also came, a little later (after dinner), but we got to see them and that was nice.

We had a nice time. Dinner was great and the "entertainment" was fun! Tom's apparently a jokester, likes to tell jokes and make puns and so his family wrote him Limericks for his birthday. They were all quite clever and funny.

I found that my other worry, how to act at an all adult party, wasn't anything to worry about. Turns out, I do remember how to socialize without a 2 year old hanging off of me. It was fun. I hope to do it again soon!

When we got back to the hotel around 10:30, Leda was asleep and the babysitters said she was a pleasure to sit for. The girls (Marie and Claire) announced the night "lots of fun." Brock headed back down to the hotel bar to have a night cap with everyone and I hit the sheets as I was tired (and started to get a headache from a little too much red wine!)

Sunday morning we were up at the crack of dawn (okay, 7:30) and I was really worried I was gonna be a little hungover, but I wasn't (phew! I was really worried there, considering I had had a bit to drink and I am not used to drinking a bit!) We checked out and headed back to Tom's parents for breakfast and one last goodbye to everyone before we see them in two weeks in New Hampshire for an all weekend "family" style party. There will be camping and cooking and playing and the kids are invited and even dogs, too!

Brock and I, followed by Kate and Evan, stopped by John and Eileen's place before we headed home. They are in Cold Springs, NY, which was a little out of our way home, but we wanted to stop by and say hello.

We got home around 4 and all of us, except the kid, were tired! Bedtime couldn't come quick enough!

It was a nice weekend. We had lots of fun and it was great getting to hang out with old friends. We are really looking forward to the weekend in New Hampshire in two weeks, with more people Brock knows from way back when and a party where Leda can hang out with lots of kids and have a great time. In the meantime, I have to go dig out the tent and air it out in case we decide to forgo a bed in the house and camp outside! That should be fun!


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