Earth Day

This morning started with a bang...Leda hitting the asphalt, with her knees. The first of many scraped knees, seeing that it was going to be about 80 degrees today and I dressed her in shorts!

So, battered and bleeding, I carried her crying (her, not me) into the bathroom, trying not to laugh (yes, I thought it was a little funny - at least I wasn't completely freaking out!). I pulled out the first aid kit figuring that I was going to get to use a bandaid on something other than my nicked legs after shaving. Of course, I kicked myself for not buying those darned Dora bandaids months ago when I thought they might come in handy sometime soon. I cleaned her up pretty good, put a little antiseptic wash on it, put Bactine on my list of things to pick up today (since the antiseptic wash towelette was the last one in the first aid kit!) and got ready to put the bandaid on.

Kids love bandaids, right? Not my kid. I thought the screaming bloody murder was supposed to happen when the boo-boos happened, right? Nope, apparently in my household, that happens when the bandaid gets put on the bleeding knee! I was told in no uncertain terms, "off, Mommy, off." So, off came the bandaids and all was right with the world.

So, we tried this again, out the door and into the car to go to the garden center to go shopping. We had fun at the garden center. Got us some parsley and rosemary and mint and tarragon. We also got some yummy smelling lavender to grow around Mommy's fountain this year.

We stopped at Sears to buy some pots to grow the herbs in and saw a wind chime we really liked, so bought that up, too! And then a quick run in at the drug store to get Bactine and Dora bandaids - which, she still wouldn't let me put on! Oh well, I tried! At least I have them for the next time!

After lunch Leda went down for a nap and I went out to plant my herbs. It will be fun to watch them grow (I have oregano, chives and basil I am growing from seed and radishes and mini sunflowers).


After nap we played outside and waited for Daddy to get home from work. We had a lot of fun playing with Connor (the boy who lives next door - he's about 11 and Leda adores him!) We fished for crayfish and salamanders in the creek and had a blast! No, Mommy doesn't touch them, however, I will fish them out with the net and let Leda look at them - "EWWWWWW" she says!

We spent a lot of time outside today, and being that it was a beautiful day AND Earth Day, that was just as well. And just before coming in to clean up and go to bed, Leda spotted the moon. And just before we went in the house, she looked up and said, "night, night, Moon!" And all is well with our world!



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