A Cold Easter Weekend

We had a great, albeit cold and sometimes snowy, Easter weekend.

Brock and I took Leda off to Ikea to shop for her birthday present from Mommy and Daddy - a table and chairs! We had a good time walking around and looking at all the stuff, purchasing our table and chairs and then we headed up to the restaurant for lunch.

Leda had her milk out of a big girl cup! No sippy cup, no straw, no lid - just a cup with some milk in it! She did pretty darn good! She held it with two hands, didn't spill but a little bit - when she got really excited about what she was doing and shook it up!

We headed home for a little nap and then off to the Shiers for the annual Easter Egg hunt and dinner. The kids were more than ready to go hunting eggs that were hidden in Debbie and Jim's yard (the Shier's next door neighbors) and the timing couldn't have been better...the sun was shining and it was SNOWING!

So we bundled up the kids and went off to hunt eggs! (and yes, the white flecks you see are SNOW FLAKES!)

Egg Hunting Crew

Leda got A LOT of eggs. She's pretty good at the egg hunting thing!

A Green One!

Nathan, Jim and Debbie's little boy, wasn't so good at the egg hunting (he's only 20 months old). Leda had a basket full of eggs in no time at all and was heading for three or four more. I asked Leda if she wouldn't mind giving the one she had just picked up to Nathan and without hesitation, walked over to Nathan's basket and placed the egg in. She proceed to find three more that she brought to Nathan. We were amazed by her generosity!

Leda offers a found egg to Nathan

After all the eggs were found, we headed back inside to warm up and have some good food and fun with friends. It was a great evening.

Looking for eggs

Easter Sunday found us finding out what the Easter Bunny brought Leda (some Dora the Explorer figurines and a little stuffed duck - no candy, only hard-boiled eggs - got lots of candy at the Easter egg hunt!) and spending a quiet day at home.

Easter Bunny goodies

It was a nice, relaxing weekend.


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