Closer to 40

This past Friday I became 39 - one step closer to 40.

One good thing about my birthday was my sister, Aimee, was here to celebrate it with us! In town for business, she spent an extra day so she could sleep on a blowup matress in my cramped office space! Isn't she the best sister ever? No, wait, before you anwser, then she took us out to dinner at what is quickly becoming my favorite restuarant in town! Seriously, best sister, ever! Leda even behaved for the whole time we were at the restaurant, too! I mean, who else could possibly have that kind of affect on small children? You guessed it, the best sister, ever!

(that was laid on a bit too think, wasn't it? Oh well, it's true!)

Anyway, Aimee (or, as she is now known in our household, Aunt Maymee) spent the whole day on Friday with Brock and Leda (except for a few hours out during Leda's nap time and then we headed to the Black Lab Bistro for dinner. We had a great time. After we put Leda to bed, Aimee and I watched a little tv and headed to bed. An early flight had us up around 7am - we woke the little one up so she could say goodbye to Aunt Maymee (and she even graced said Aunt with saying her name - once while she was in earshot, but that was enough! - of course, for about 10 minutes after she left, Leda asked non-stop where Aunt "Maymee" was!).

Leda and Aunt "Maymee"

When we got Leda up, she was happy to go play on the bed where Aunt Aimee had slept. Duff was too!

Leda playing in the bed with Duff

The rest of the weekend - pretty darn lazy. Yep, you heard me - lazy. That means, no, I did no painting! I bought the paint. I had every intention of starting it this weekend. But my sister and brother-in-law and nieces bought me a book - a Stephen King book. So, I read. Yeah, I know. Procrastinator!

I did clean out the storage closet (sorta) and we will be shortly moving stuff from my office closet into it so we can put Leda's toys in it (it's a big closet!) So, all was not lost.

We had Chinese on Saturday night. Leda was the only one who ate a fortune cookie. Her fortune (which, I guess was technically mine, since I broke open the fortune cookie): At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgement*

Great, one year away from judgement! Something to look forward to!

*Quote by Benjamin Franklin (who, by the way, was also a January baby and a Capricorn!)


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