Santa brought us EVERY THING we wanted (and then some that we didn't!)

Let me start by saying that Santa is one awesome guy! Only thing I really wanted this year was a win over the Cowboys on Christmas day, and did he ever deliver! I was a very happy Eagles fan! (that's not to say that I am not grateful for all the great stuff I DID get!)

We had an awesome weekend over all! We headed north to NY on Friday night in the driving rain, but all-in-all the trip wasn't too bad. Arrived around 11 or 11:30 and Leda was back in bed by midnight. Up early the next day asking for "Pop Pa" and "Na Na" and wasn't disappointed when they woke up not too long after we did! Saturday was a pretty laid back day catching up with Grandpa and Nana and Nana Rose and seeing Aunt Stacy and Uncle Todd. And, checking out that HUGE Christmas Tree in the front hall. With all the MANY presents underneath - and Santa hadn't even arrived yet! (Gluttony at its best!)

Christmas tree

Sunday was another relaxing day - Leda played with Nana and Grandpa and Aunt Stacy and Grandma Rose and the doggies! She was having so much fun. We only had one time out that I can remember, but probably should have had more. It seems that Santa brought us an early Christmas gift this year and that would be the Terrible Twos! Yes, our wonderful, mostly obedient daughter has been replaced by a child who tells us to "stop it" and "you bad" when she's being punished for something she did that was bad. And, that "you bad" don't mean we cool, you catch my drift?

Nana and Leda

It all started on Thursday when Brock took Leda with him to drop Duff off at the groomers. Duff has never been dropped anywhere when Leda has been in the car, so this apparently was a bit distressing for her. She cried and yelled at Brock all the way home, pointing at him and yelling "stop it." On Friday, Brock was watching Leda and he went into the kitchen for one moment (not a few steps from Leda) and she took off - this is a regular occurrence, but we are pretty good about keeping an eye on her. This time, she didn't run into the bedroom as she is known to do, no this time, she ran down the stairs and OUT THE BACK DOOR into the back yard (which is, luckily, enclosed by a fence that has the latches on the outside so she can't get out). Well, she had scared the bejesus out of me, so I sat her down and told her she was bad, that she shouldn't go outside without Mommy or Daddy and that she scared Mommy. I was immediately admonished for being "bad" and had that little finger wagged in my face and a litany of "stop it"'s and "you bad" hailed at me. Well, it was so cute I had to laugh! Yeah, lot of good I am at this discipline thing.

Well, the cute factor kinda lost it's luster by the second or third time she talked back (adding either a hit or a bite, depending on your vicinity to her). But with all the excitement and all the "audience" that Leda had this weekend, time-outs were a bit difficult to enforce, but we did try.

Leda helps Grandma Rose with her wrapping!

This weekend also saw the first remove-diaper-while-supposed-to-be-napping incident. This was not so much fun, as it included not only wet sheets, but nasty smell ones at that! No, our daughter couldn't be content to remove just a wet diaper, but a dirty one as well! Oh joy!

Christmas Eve

Sunday night we had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner and Leda was sent to bed with visions of sugarplums dancing in her head. Well, maybe not, since she probably hasn't a clue what a sugarplum is yet, but she went to bed without issue. Santa arrived without delay (a little rain is all we had this year, no snow!) and on Christmas morning, we all woke up ready to see what he brought us.

First, we had to wait for everyone to awake and come downstairs. Luckily, we didn't have to wait much past 9am (Leda couldn't take it much longer!) Into the center hall we went and Leda went right to the doll baby Santa brought her and gave her a hug. She was so entranced by the baby doll that she barely noticed the rocking horse that had been left for her as well!

Very excited about the Baby Doll from Santa

Baby rides the horsey

After Leda got her baby doll acquainted with the horsey, off the the races we went! Everyone opening presents and Leda enjoying her baby. She ended up with many more babies, and she was just happy as can be with them all! She spent time feeding her baby dolls while Mommy cajoled her into opening more presents, alas, ending up opening many of them by herself!

It was a wonderful Christmas day. We had a great time, got lots of great stuff and Leda seemed to enjoy the whole thing. Especially the baby dolls! ;-)

Babies ready for a Christmas Feast

Christmas dinner was nice and relaxed - Missy came to join us and we had lots of fun with the Christmas Crackers after dinner. Off to bed, exhausted everyone and a good nights sleep before we had to pack the car stuffed with our new stuff (and, believe it, we got it ALL in the car for the ride home with room to spare!) We did get a snow shower or two before we left, so that was nice! Our trip home included some rain as well, but for the most part was pretty uneventful and we were home by dinner!

Great-Grandma Rose and Leda

Christmas 2006 was lots of fun. Leda loved being with Grandpa and Nana and Great-Grandma Rose and Aunt Stacy and Uncle Todd! She woke up this morning asking "where Pop Pa? Where Nana?" We had a great time!

To see all the pictures from Christmas 2006, click here!


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