The memories...they are just shot!

We don't know what happened this August. Seriously, how could we forget, in a month where we have THREE family members who celebrate birthdays, ALL THREE????

Yes, we are horrible, nasty people. We didn't buy the cards three weeks early and forget to send them until the day of their birthdays, nope. We just completely forgot all together. We are just bad people.

Leda's not. Nope, not her...she probably has been telling us all month, you are forgetting birthdays, dudes! But, because we can't speak or understand Ledaese, we didn't do anything about it.

Nope, Brock and I are just plain bad.

So, here's the groveling...

Please, Scott, Bob and Kurt...forgive us for our bad memories. We love you all and beg for your forgiveness for forgetting your birthdays this month. The cards are in the mail!

And, yes Scotty, we will buy double the Boy Scout popcorn that we purchased last year, just to make it up to ya! ;-)

Next year, we are going to be a WHOLE MONTH EARLY! (but that only counts for August birthdays...everyone else has to settle for a call on your actual birthday and the cards that show up the following week!)


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