Sick house...

We were sick this weekend. In fact, some of us are still sick! yuck!

After that post on Saturday, after Leda didn't really sleep very well during her afternoon nap, she spent the rest of the day sleeping on me. At one point, I knew she had a fever because the kid was keeping me warm! We checked and lo and behold, 103.something. Call the doc.

Why does it never fail that when I need to call the doc after hours, I always get the one I can't stand?

Anyway, other than the fever and the general reluctance to leave my chest, Leda was fine. She ate lunch and dinner fine, she was taking in lots of fluids, she was outputting lots of fluids (from the right places!) Of course, at the same time, I am beginning to feel like crap, probably coming down with the same thing she got! Yippeee!

Anyway, on Sunday, her fever had broken enough that we didn't have to take her to see the doctor (thank goodness...can't stand that guy!) By Monday, Mommy felt like a Mac truck had run her over, and if it hadn't, she really wanted it to to get it over with! Baby still has a runny nose and a cough, but no fever. And, she's got molars coming in...when it rains it pours!

Anyway, we are hoping we get over all of this really soon. Can't stand being sick!


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