Will she grow out of this?

I am a little worried about some things that Leda does...I am probably overreacting, but, since I haven't spent a TON of time with babies, I am not sure if this is normal! Brock says she will grow out of it, but will she?

She grabs at us and twists! She will grab my lips and twist them in her little hands and smile and laugh when she does it! We don't encourage the activity, believe me. But we do let her explore. I guess she doesn't yet understand that it hurts and that she shouldn't do it, although we tell her all the time. Yes, I know, she's 6 months old. Does she REALLY comprehend that it hurts? All she knows is there's a reaction - she doesn't know that the reaction is bad yet, right?

I tell her that she really isn't allowed to pull hair until she has some of her own so we can pull back. Yes, I probably AM the worst mother in the world! (I wouldn't pull HARD!)

Anyway, do all babies do this? Is it just part of their exploration? Do they all have that sadistic smile when they are doing it? This doesn't mean she'll grow up to be a serial killer or anything, right? Seriously, it worries me a little.

She does do gentle...every once in a while...she did so this morning when she and I were lying in bed...she was talking (squealing...she squeals. LOUDLY!) and brushing my face with her hand. I like that Leda better than the grab and twist kid! ;-)


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