They went to the top of the mountain to see what they could see

Our first full day in Portland. The Lilly's were off to Seattle to visit with Bobby's sister and we had no plans! Dan showed up in the late morning and we all of a sudden had a plan...we were going to Vancouver (WA) to pick up Dan's dog, Drake, and then we were going for a ride up the Gorge and around to the Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood! Sounded like a plan!

So off we went. Drake was at Dan's employee's house - this house was beautiful! They are currently remodeling the house and the are doing a wonderful job. From there, we headed up the Columbia River Gorge - what a beautiful ride. The wind blows so hard and fast here that it's the capital of wind surfers. It's also extremely beautiful. We stopped at Multnomah Falls...what a beautiful place, albeit, very cold! The wind was blowing so hard, the wind chill had to be below freezing! We bundled Leda up and took a walk over to the falls.

Leda had started to get a little bored with sitting in her car seat, with Mommy and Aunt Joan sitting in the back seat with her...not something normal for her. She started fussing just before we got there. She just didn't understand why Mommy wouldn't take her out of the car seat...she did when we were on the plane!

Anyway, we took a look around, saw a few salmon on their way to dying after swimming back up would have been nice to see this phenomena, but we were too late. We saw only a few that were left, swimming into the current. BIG salmon! Yummm!
Multnomah Falls, Oregon
We headed on our way. We took a right at Hood River (ha! I can't remember the name of the town there) and headed toward Government Camp, which is the town just below Mt. Hood. We headed up the mountain to Timberline Lodge, which is at 6000ft elevation! And, just below the tip of the mountain. Wow!
Mount Hood
The lodge was great...beautifully built with HUGE timber beams. From the lodge, you can see forever! We saw Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson, the Three Sisters. We were above the clouds! It was amazing. Leda loved it, of course!
Leda and Daddy at Mt.Hood
We headed back down the mountain, and headed for home. The Lillys came home, we all had some Thai food and then to bed. What a day!


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