Temper, temper, temper....

Yeah, she's gonna be a redhead...

Leda threw her first snit last night...and her second, third and fourth in succession!

Wow, what an impressive display! Haven't a clue what precipitated it, but it was impressive. And funny!

She's standing, babbling away, when all of a sudden, she's wailing and stomping her feet! The wailing almost got me, but then, the stomping of the feet...have you ever seen a 7 month old stomp their feet when they are mad...wow, that's funny! ;-) Then, she threw her head back and her body went limp and the screaming...wow, if I wasn't laughing so hard, I might have heard her! hehehe

Brock came running into the room, "let me see, let me see," and she stopped. Brock wanted me to do whatever I had done to make her throw a snit so he could see it...Have no idea what I had done, she just threw a temper tantrum! At about this moment, she sat herself down and threw her little body onto the floor and kicked and screamed. We laughed!

Dinner was ready (Mommy and Daddy's dinner) and Leda was still in the throws of a snit, so I put her in her exersaucer and left the room (I didn't go too far that I couldn't reach her in seconds, so don't call Social Services.) Boy, did the snit go into full force...the screaming, the kicking and stomping, the throwing back of the head, the crying (and not a SINGLE tear, hummmm!) We sat down with her, after ignoring all this, and gave her her dinner cookie...she sat there and ate that cookie with a look of anger on her face at us. She wouldn't smile for a good 20 minutes...she just glared at us. Yep, that I'm-going-all-Lizzie-Borden-all-over-your-butts-when-I-SO-get-the-chance glare! OOHHH, we scared!

It was cute, and we probably will suffer the consequences for laughing, but we did good at ignoring the last snit...she realized we weren't going to take it and she stopped on her own. But BOY, was that funny!

Yes, I know, it won't be so funny if it keeps happening!


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