Girl's Weekend

Well, since Daddy is off to Orlando* for the weekend, Leda and Mommy get a WHOLE weekend, including a Friday, all to ourselves!

So, what did we do on our first day? We went to the Mall! WoooHooo!

Actually, this was pretty significant...this was Leda's first trip to the Mall. She did pretty well for about an hour...then she got tired and started crying. But, she got a whole new outfit out of the trip, so it wasn't too bad. We are excited...we bought our Thanksgiving outfit! And, it's cute! And, yes, it has fake leopard skin as part of the outfit...I couldn't resist! Guess you'll all have to come back after Thanksgiving to see the pictures!

Anyway, the rest of the weekend should be pretty uneventful, except for Sunday, when we join Karen and Jennifer for an estate sale. That should be fun!

*He says he isn't going to have fun, since it is sorta work, but we know better! ;-)


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