Dinner with Grandpa and Nana!

Last night, we went to dinner with Grandpa and Nana, who are in town to promote Nana's book, The Gift of More.

We joined Grandpa and Nana at Taquet in Wayne and we had a GREAT dinner. Grandpa gave Leda a teddy bear that he purchased at the toy store across the street from the hotel they are staying in (Leda's all for Grandpa and Nana, and any other Grandparents that want to visit, to stay at hotels across the street from toy stores! In fact, any relatives that want to visit, just let us know and we will tell you what hotels are across the street from toy stores that you can stay in!) Leda loves the teddy bear and she was such a good girl while we were having dinner!

After dinner, Nana couldn't stand it anymore and had to hold Leda...
Leda and NanaLeda and Nana

(I really need to figure out how to get this darned camera to focus properly!!!)
(AND, you might notice that Leda's face looks really red and blotchy...she's sporting a nasty rash, which we believe has something to do with the teething...it's getting better and we will discuss with the Doc this week!)

Then, Leda got to sit on Grandpa's lap...
Leda and GrandpaLeda and Grandpa

Then, when desert came, probably against our better judgement, Brock let Leda taste a little Rasberry sorbet...
Trying some Rasberry SorbetRasberry Sorbet...Yum!

Regardless of the look, this kid LOVED rasberry sorbet (she even tried some of Mommy's Pear Sorbet and LOVED that too!) As soon as she got over the coldness and the different taste, the mouth opened wide for another spoonful! In fact, the looks she gave Daddy when he took a bite for himself where PRICELESS! Unfortunately, Mommy was laughing so hard at the faces she was making that Mommy only got these two pictures. And, the redness of her face this time is not the rash - it's the color of Rasberry! ;-)

We had a GREAT time with the Grandparents! Leda can't wait to see them again - and we will on Wednesday at Nana's signing!


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