As if I wasn't inadequate enough....

Not only do I work out of the home (HORRORS!) and leave my child to be care for by her father (I mean, you KNOW she's playing with knives and power tools while I am way from the home!) and didn't breastfeed (well, now, that's Leda's fault! She just hated it!), now, NOW, here comes the "elimination communication" people who are going to tell me that I just am not that great of a mother because I didn't start potty training her at 3 months...that's right, POTTY TRAINING!

A Fast Track to Toilet Training for Those at the Crawling Stage

Look, I think this is great, if you have the time and energy to do it. I just don't want someone looking at me in the future and poo-pooing (no pun intended) me because I didn't start potty training my kid before she was eating solid foods. It's bad enough I have to deal with the guilt of not being with my kid 24/7, now I will be a bad parent for not potty training my kid at 3 months? Leda will grow up to be a well adjusted kid regardless of anything her father or I do to her - and we will spend the money for all the necessary therapy to ensure this fact!

We don't need no stinking "elimination communication!"


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